Monday, November 23, 2015

The New Small Person


LillyAnna has been growing in leaps and bounds.  She looks more and more like a little girl and less like a baby every day.  However, with this recent illness that she cannot seem to kick she is losing weight. I just do not understand why she stops eating like this when she does not feel good.  Lil has congestion in her nose that I do not think has gone into her chest but it is making her cough so hard she is throwing up.  Then again she throws up so often it is hard to tell exactly why she is throwing up.  Whenever she runs she coughs but that has been happening for years as well.  I will be contacting the infamous Dr. R to see what he would like to do.  She is not running any fevers which is why I have not done anything so far but I want to figure this out before I go into the hospital.

Lil's first cannoli.

We went to our support group meeting the other night and there was a mom there who was, what I call, 'deep down in it'.  Listening to her share about the ups and downs she is experiencing and how hard it is was hard for me.  She shared that every time she thinks everything is ok something else happens.  I remember writing about that very thing here.  We are now in a place where everything seems to be going well.  It made me feel like I should be waiting for the other shoe to drop.  Every time I relax something happens.  I do not want to do that, just wait for something bad to happen but I also do not want to be blindsided.  This illness is a perfect example.  It is not normal to have a cold for 2 months, one that is bad enough you cough until you throw up and lose weight.  Her little clothes are starting to fall off of her. 
Redness on her cheeks is the beginning of the ulcerations on her face we are trying to prevent after last year's hospitalization. 

I have to make sure she is ok before I go into the hospital for my headaches.  I want to thank you for all of your support.  So many of you have told me I need to take care of myself but I hate this, I hate that I have to do this and I hate that I have to leave the kids and my husband.  I know I have to do it and my wonderful husband can handle things at the house so I am letting go of it and accepting it. But I hate it. 


Sunday, November 8, 2015

Young and Old

I just spent a hour reading through old blog posts looking for the title of the one where I talk about Lil's dressing changes.  I could not find it.  What I did find was a lot of tears and a history of not only Lil's disease but also my topic for today.  My own headaches. 

I wish I could tell all of you that Lil is feeling better.  Is she better than she was three years ago in the hospital?  The answer is yes.  However, she has been pretty much the same for the past two years.  As a family we just now know what that will look like and how to handle it. 

This past month she has been vomiting every night.  I am worried she is losing weight.  Our reality is that she has enough weight on her right now that I am not even bothering to tell Dr. R because there is nothing to do about it whereas last year I would have been emailing him a couple of times and probably bringing her in for a check up.  Now I know that, although watching her vomit every night is horrible, we would not do anything about it until she loses enough weight or dehydrates herself. 

She is not eating much except sour cream and onion chips.  I don't even want to know what her blood work looks like.  And I am waiting to hear back from audiology about an appointment for her failed hearing test.  She has a terrible cough right now and is covered in pustules.  Most mornings, with this weather, she has been in pain with swollen fingers and bad hips.  I feel so bad for her.

I truly thank God for our amazing nanny, Julie everyday. 

Here is our new issue.  As most of you know, I have been suffering from chronic migraines for about 15 years.  For most of that time I would have about 1-2 a week which now I know is considered normal. 

When we received Lil's diagnosis and were in the hospital for over two months the first time, I was under a lot of stress.  During that time, we were so worried.  Lil was sick, we were doing dressing changes every other day.  They took two hours and they were excruciatingly painful for my 9 month old baby.  She had over 30 lesions and the bandages were sticky.  We had to peel them off and re-stick them.  It took me half an hour to set up and the aftermath... well you can imagine.  She screamed the whole time and sometimes just passed out from the pain in the middle.  My job was to hold her down and try to soothe her during this ordeal.  Right.  On top of that, we were so scared.  We had no idea how to treat this disease and it just kept spreading.  During all of this, Chris and I were raising the twins, coordinating their lives and I was deciding to quit my job. 

On the outside, everyone was telling me how strong I was but apparently there was a lot going on inside.  My brain was not happy.  I have been waiting 6 months for an appointment at Jefferson Headache Center being told they are the best.  The good thing is that I now have a diagnosis: transfer migraines.  The doctor compared it to getting a concussion.  He said that when you are a migraine sufferer who gets migraines once or twice a week and then something happens that puts your brain under severe stress (like some kind of trauma or stress- for me, Lil's illness) you put yourself into almost a concussion state.  What do you do when you have a concussion?  Rest.  I have never rested my brain.  His recommendation is to go into the hospital for a week.  There I will rest but also get IV medication to fix my brain.  Sounds crazy.  I was flabbergasted.  Here is the thing, I do not have a choice.  I have to do it.  I have a migraine 24 hours a day 7 days a week and it has been like this for about three years.  After his exam the doctor said I am one of the worst cases he has ever seen. It looks like I will be going in the first or second week of December.  I am scared to death.  My kids are going to freak out.  Especially little Chris. I have not yet told them. This has to be done.  My Aunt Tina and I keep talking about it because she was kind enough and smart enough to realize that I needed someone to go with me to this appointment.  She tells me I am so lucky to have so many people in my life that can help.  I am just so tired of asking for it. 

Young and Old
             ~Charles Kingsley
When all the world is young lad,
And all the trees are green;
And every goose a swan, lad,
And every lass a queen;
Then hey for boot and horse, lad,
And round the world away;
Young blood must have its course, lad,
And every dog his day.

When all the world is old, lad,
And all the trees are brown;
When all the sport is stale, lad,
And all the wheels run down;
Creep home, and take your place there,
The spent and maimed among:
God grant you find one face there,
You loved when all was young.