Monday, September 4, 2017

If a T Rex Crashes Your Birthday Party

My Dearest Lilly,
You are turning 6.  I might say this every time you have a birthday.  I am not sure but since this is my letter I am going to say it again. There was a time in your life we were not sure you would make it to this point.  Every birthday of yours is a true celebration of life.  The way you soak up every minute of it; the cards, the phone calls, the Happy Birthdays, the parties, the gifts, the family and friends that surround you shows your true spirit.  Having people around you that you love and having a good time are what this year has been all about for you.  When your pain or disease gets in the way of this, you get pissed.  This is new for you.  In past years you would lay on the couch quietly when you did not feel good.  However, the older you get it is like you are angry that you are sick while everyone around you gets to play.
There are a lot of people playing around you.  This year you went to school for the first time.  It was preschool and Montessori Learning Center. You only made it to about 1/3 of the year.  You were in the hospital three times for various illnesses.  I don't know if it was because we started getting the vaccines we could or if it is because you went to school or if it is because you just had a bad year.
We will see what this year brings but we have Julie so I know we will be okay.
Julie... what to say about Julie.  She is your best friend.  She keeps our household together.  She makes it possible for me to work.  She comes in every day with a smile no matter what is going on in her life (that is true professionalism by the way, learn from that).
This year you also made some friends at school.  But one of the best things to happen, and it happened recently, is that we got some new neighbors.  Maggie is becoming one of your best friends and it is so much fun to finally see you have a friend that is your age.

This year you tried to learn how to ride your bike without training wheels but when that did not go so well and you realized you could not keep up with everyone else you asked for your training wheels back!  This sums up your year.  You want to keep up with everyone else.  Your spunk continues to amaze us but the temper tantrums are an issue.  Dr. R says they go hand in hand. He said once that you are the most stubborn kid he has ever met.  That is saying a lot. But he also said that stubbornness serves you well.
You love playing with your dolls, you LOVE your hatcnhimal, and you really love Peppa Pig.  We have watched every episode of Peppa Pig so many times that Julie and I could repeat every line.  You also have probably every Peppa Pig toy there is (not really!).  You actually play with them a lot though.  You also really love your American Girl dolls.  I watch you be a doctor to them and do all of the things that

We also found another baby this year who has Idiopathic Infantile Pyoderma Gangrenosum.  The 19th case we know of in the world.  I am beyond excited.  You had a strange look in your eye when I told you.  I don't know how much you understand about your disease.  I worry that we, and in turn you, define you by this disease instead of by who you are: an energetic, smart, loving, six year old who loves her friends and family with all her heart.  Of course, that baby is on remicade and getting better just like the rest and unlike you.
You love to go to school but are so cautious about it.  It makes me sad.  I know you are afraid you will not feel good during the day and are not sure how that will look or what to do.  Your teachers are amazing.  I need you to know that but you need to know that too.  They even set up a rest area in your classroom.

LillyAnna, watching you grow up has been one of the most amazing things I have gotten to experience in my life. You are constantly underestimated by doctors and therapists.  This is new territory to us.  We are used to Dr. R who knows you, nurses who know you... when we are confronted with someone who says, "yes, I looked at her file." with a straight face, something is wrong.  No one does that.  They have not seen the pictures.  They were not there for the dressing changes.  They do not know that this disease rears its ugly head on you constantly and how rare that is.  They have not seen the pictures of adults with lesions, lesions that cause bones to show, the ones that have lost their lives or limbs to this disease- literally.
I want you to live this life to the fullest every single day my little girl because I do not know what the future holds.  Right now you are cuddled up next to me and I can hear you making that noise in your throat that tells me it hurts. You have been doing it for a couple of days.  It did not stop you from having a great time at a party yesterday but it has stopped you from sleeping through the night.  That is how I know.  As I slide out of your bed at night you always say (in your sleepy little voice), "Mommy, where are you going?" As I leave I say in your ear, as I smell your clean hair and milky breath, "I will be here if you need me.  Just call me." I mean that always my sweet six year old girl.  I will always be here when you need me.
Happiest of Birthdays to you.