LillyAnna very rarely leaves AI DuPont Hospital empty handed. If she has a procedure, Childlife always visits to make the ouchies less ouchy with a toy or activity. When we are inpatient, toys always seem to show up in her bed. Forget being inpatient during the holidays... I don't even want to talk about it. Even when Lil gets blood work her 'girlfriends' save the ends of the rolls of coflex in bags and give them to her because they know how much she loves to play with them. This is all in addition to the stacks and stacks of stickers. the whirligigs and, if her grandparents have anything to do with it, balloons. You would think LillyAnna would be spoiled. You would think when I ask her what she wants for Christmas she would have a list a mile long.
In this, as in so many things, this beautiful little creature has just blown me away recently and I could not help but share. She never asks for anything for herself. Even if she has candy or a lollipop, she will offer it to her brother or sister first. Oh wait! The only thing she does not share is the blue bag of Doritos! I just cannot get over how generous and kind she is, how she is the happy kid in our house, she is the pleasant one.... even when, like today, she was limping around the house crying because her legs hurt so badly. I literally cannot get this kid to ask for more than three Christmas gifts. Now, we are not getting the kids many gifts anyway but as I said, I am just blown away. She is just amazing and I had to share. Believe me, I am not bragging. The other two are screaming, "Mom! I want that!" every other second:)
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