Monday, April 8, 2013

Quick Update 3

LillyAnna's swelling is finally going down and she never developed a fever.  This indicates that she had a reaction to the Humira.  You would think I would be happy that she does not have an infection but unfortunately this news causes me some amount of anxiety.  I am in contact with Dr. R about our next steps.  I asked if we can test her to see if she is building antibodies and somehow stop it before it gets worse.  He said he is going to talk to the rhuematologists and in the meantime, he would like me to take her temps twice a day and note any patterns.  For now, she is happy and not vomiting.  Her blood work looks better than last week.  Happy Baby = Happy Mommy
In this picture you can see how red her cheeks are (which comes and goes), you can see how her face is thinning out and she is eating:)
Oh and in the background is one of the girls I work with who just makes me happy!


  1. Hope all keepd going in the rite direction for lil and you! Love to you all! Laura

    1. As long as her blood work continues, we're on the right track.

  2. As always thinking about all of you. Hoping they find a cure for Lilly.

  3. This last comment was from maryellenstrohm.
