Saturday, April 6, 2013

The Little Red Caboose

Since my last post, things have been as I would have expected, until tonight.  Since the night we gave LillyAnna the Humira shot, her lesions improved and she has not thrown up.  The rash on her face has stayed but it gets better and then worse for no obvious reason.  I have not received the results from this Friday's blood work but I do not expect it to show me anything surprising.  Last night when I gave Lil the Humira shot I followed the same procedure as usual and as I have been taught; clean with the alcohol swab, squeeze the fatty part of the arm or leg, go in on an angle...

I reluctantly emailed Dr. R thinking that it would be nothing but I told Chris I would so I did and I got the dreaded "if _____ happens, go straight to the ED".  Damn that man is always surprising me.  So if it gets any bigger or she gets a fever we are to go to the ED.  Issues:  She almost always has a fever of some degree, from the time I received this information she was getting ready to sleep for 13 hours straight and why did this happen. 

When Lil built antibodies to the Remicade, the first thing I noticed was that she was starting to have some of the reactions they had warned us might happen the first or second time she was infused.  All of a sudden, after months of infusions, she began to have reactions.  I could tell the nurses and doctors were surprised but they did not seem concerned so I tried not to worry.  I feel like that same thing is happening now.  The Humira is not lasting the whole two weeks, she is getting very flushed with her medications, and now this issue.  There are only three medications we have in our pocket to use.  This is the second.  Humira and Enbrel (Enbrel is option number three) are not FDA approved for her age which is why we have to give her such a large dose already.  In other words, if the Humira is not working, we are running out of options.  I hope I am wrong about all of this.  I really do and I have been wrong before so I am counting on that.  But I am also scared.  One of the reasons we love Dr. R so much is that I feel one hundred percent sure that his mind is running over our other options already.  This is not to say we are always on his mind but he is very intelligent and he is a thinker.  I have faith in him but I hope I do not have to rely on it. 

Chris and I spent the day at the Special Olympics watching his brother and sister and their significant others play basketball.  I was struck by these amazing people and how they have an ability to show what seems to be every emotion so freely and openly. The most wonderful part was that almost all of those emtions were happy.  I was jealous and inspired all at once.  So often I feel like I have to pretend I feel something I do not.  I have to look calm when I am electrified inside.  I have to keep my face passive when I really want to scream.  I have to smile when I want to melt into a sobbing puddle on the floor.  But if the Little Red Caboose can find his the strength to push an entire train up the side of a mountain, I can wake up tomorrow, get out of bed and put one foot in front of the other. 


  1. Beautifully written, Gina. My heart goes out to you and we are continually praying for you and Lil, and the entire family. So glad you can come to celebrate Laylas birthday with us.

  2. Hoping she will not start rejecting her meds!
