Friday, October 23, 2015

Quick Update

So we got some interesting (but not surprising) news today...

At Lil's yearly appointment, at which I did not yet have the guts to do her first vaccine, she failed her hearing test.  Now we will be scheduling an appointment with audiology.  I was not surprised to hear this news, something has not seemed quite right with her hearing.  Chris was not surprised either even though we have never talked about it.  As we were going through the test I swear the kid did not hear one thing that came through on the right side.  She just simply did not hear it. 


by Shel Silverstein
I have a Band-Aid on my finger,
One on my knee, and one on my nose,
One on my heel, and two on my shoulder,
Three on my elbow, and nine on my toes.
Two on my wrist, and one on my ankle,
One on my chin, and one on my thigh,
Four on my belly, and five on my bottom,
One on my forehead, and one on my eye.
One on my neck, and in case I might need em
I have a box of thirty-five more.
But oh! I do think it’s sort of a pity
I don’t have a cut or a sore!
Where the Sidewalk Ends, 1974

It has been a little while since I have written.  I promised myself, and said it out loud to the world, that I was going to pick my self up and get myself together.  The way I do that is to go inside, I hide.  For so long after my sister died I woke up every day in a cold sweat with tears running down my face.  I was at the risk of falling down into that deep, dark hole I promised I would never fall into again.  I was also feeling sorry for myself.  I hate that.  Through Lil's illness one feeling I have never entertained is 'why me?'  I honestly just never felt that way.  Don't get me wrong.  I got sad, I got mad. 

After my sister died so suddenly I could not help but start thinking 'why me?'  What had I done to deserve so much loss and sadness and pain in my life?  I lost my grandmother, my best friend, right before my wedding, I lost my mother three weeks before my twins were born, my beautiful baby lives every day with this horrid disease and now my sister died at 36 years old.  Not only had I lost all of these people but I live my life and raise my babies without them in a life with a chronically ill child.  After Renee died I could not help but allow those thoughts to take over and it was pulling me down to a very dark place. 

As I do, I pulled up my bootstraps, tied them tight and am moving on.  My dad and I still talk about my sister, friends are still sending me pictures they find of her on Facebook, one particular friend sends me little bits of love once a week and we got that little bit of good news about LillyAnna.  I also got some good news about my job.  I have been offered a salaried position from University of Delaware.  This means our financial position will be more secure in the future.  Right now things are still pretty tough financially but there is light at the end of the tunnel!  I am planning on taking the donation sight down in the next month if everything works out the way it is supposed to!  My only hope is that I will be able to pay it forward.  So many people have been so generous to us in so many different ways.  I will never be able to repay them but someday I will be able to help other people. 

Unfortunately LillyAnna is not feeling well.  She has been vomiting every night, once or twice, for about the last 3 weeks.  My dad, ever searching for answers, asked if it could be from the increase in Humira (remember we are going from Humira every 14 days to every 10 days).   We just started the increase yesterday actually.  Getting this class of drugs for a child of this age is not always easy.  Plus, this is just her pattern.  She is also doing her coughing thing.  So she is coughing more and more as the day goes on.  The more running around or physical activity she has the more she coughs and yes, the more she vomits.  How do you convince a 4 year old to stop running around and playing because it is going to make her throw up?   The answer is that you don't... believe me, I have tried. 
It is so hard to watch her run around and have fun only to watch her fall into a fit of coughing afterward.  We have already determined it is not due to asthma.  It sounds like a reflux cough to me but we have not yet been able to determine why her reflux acts up with her disease.  We also have no way to control it since NO ONE has been able to get her to take her oral meds.  Even when she was on the reflux meds she threw up though so I do not believe it would make much of a difference anyway.

I am so grateful for Julie, our new nanny.  I feel so comfortable leaving the house with her in charge of Lil, even when Lil feels awful.  I truly feel like Julie is a gift from God.  She has changed my life.  I had family watching Lil last year and I felt great leaving them with her but it was someone different every day and I also felt awful asking for their time every week.  It was really hard.  Now I have someone who is steady so Lil has someone who is there every day watching her daily patterns.  Julie is also great at getting her out and about when she is able but noticing ahead of time when she needs to rest.  On top of it, my job is only three days a week and I make my own schedule.  Julie is truly a partner in my household and a friend, I could ask for no more. 

Things are definitely coming together or at least they look like they are going to come together soon (see how I am positive again:)!  Either way I feel like I am in a better place.  We are making our way through this life....