I realized something today. A phenomenally large group of people separately mentioned to me all in the past three or four days that I do so much for other people. When people you love, respect and know you well all say something to you that is similar in such a short period of time you should pay attention. The funny thing is I feel like I am not doing enough for other people. I did not get my best friend a birthday present, I forgot to call someone who just had surgery, someone I love just lost someone very close to them and I did not even think to call them for three days in a row. I could make this list go on and on. Probably the most difficult is that I feel like I am neglecting my husband. I seems as if I just don't have any emotion left. Having to watch your baby go through something so painful and actually be a part of that pain kills something inside of you. One of the reasons I started this blog was to write about LillyAnna's dressing changes. You may want to stop reading here if you have a weak stomach.
We started by papoosing her. She hated it and this is when the screaming would began and the little door that allows feeling into and out of my heart would have to slam shut. As the nurses held her down, my job was to ineffectually try to soothe her. After about a month I would sometimes help with the actual changes. We held her tiny squirming body still while we peeled off this slightly sticky bandage and shot sterile water at her completely open wound with a huge syringe. It was important to peel very very very slowly so that new skin would not detach. We were not always successful. Once they were off, we all examined them and take pictures. In the beginning we did each one individually because the air hitting them added to the pain but after awhile we did them in groups. Then back to holding her down to replace bandages and rewrap, cover with babylegs and clean up the bloody mess. The whole process (excluding set up and clean up) took anywhere from one to two hours.
I recently went to a funeral and met a psychologist who worked in a NICU. She was asking me about Lil's disease and at one point mentioned dressing changes, she simply said it must have been terrible. That is not usually a topic people think about. I looked up at her and met her eyes. She leaned over, put her hand on my arm and said, "I am so sorry."
These memories haunt me. I remember every second of it. I will never forget what it felt like to hold her down and cause her so much pain. I replay it in my mind when I cannot sleep at night or when I am rocking her before bed and she is so peaceful. I want her to know how very sorry I am for hurting her.
I think that maybe I have been putting so much pressure on myself to do things for others because I have to prove how strong I am. I have to prove it to myself, I have to prove it to you, I have to prove it to that baby. If that strength falters, if I show weakness, then maybe a weakness will actually appear. If that happens, it will grow and that strength which I have used as a shield around my aching soul will crack and crumble in on itself. I will be exposed as a fraud. I am weak. I hurt my own baby. I hurt her and I held her down while others hurt her. I am a piece of shit and I don't deserve your respect, kind words, actions or even thoughts. This strength is not real. I am a fraud.
Wow Gina this is amazing!! You and Chris are so amazing!!! Your children are so blessed to have both of you! You stay strong!!! We Love You guys!!
ReplyDeleteYou and Chris are two the most amazing parents I ever met.I hope one day you publish this blog,it would help so many parents in your position.your
ReplyDelete“You cannot control what happens to you, but you can control your attitude toward what happens to you, and in that, you will be mastering change rather than allowing it to master you.” ~ Sri Ram
ReplyDeleteYou have been given a gift to learn and to teach. By writing the "story" of your life you will inspire others when they may have given up hope.