Thursday, March 17, 2016

Dark Water Rising

I have not written lately.  I have not written because I felt I have asked enough of all of you over the last three years and things have been pretty quiet so I thought it was a good time to give us all a break.  Unfortunately Lil has decided that break has come to an end.  It has not come to a screeching halt but our blissful little break has ended.
Little LillyAnna has had a relatively quiet winter.  Everyone keeps asking me how she is.  I never know how to answer that question.  What I want to say is "What do you really mean, how is she compared to a normal child? or how is she for LillyAnna?"  Because those are two very different questions.  But I never do say that. I have just been saying, "She is doing pretty well actually!"  To which everyone heaves a big sigh and I can see in their eyes they have moved on to some other worry.  In reality, she is a sick little girl that looks really darn healthy.  She has a cold all winter to the point where our Nanny has created a 'friend' for her named Chompy who sits with her and eats her dirty tissues.  I think Lil actually believes it is a toy, or even more pathetically, her friend! 

She still gets pustules although, since increasing her Humira this fall, I would say she gets less.  She also has less daily pain, but the pain is still there. 
This winter we also found out she has hearing loss in both ears.  It most likely from fluid or ear wax but we need to see an ENT and figure out what to do.  Poor kid can't hear a thing though... And now we think she may have asthma.  When she was first diagnosed with PG, each time her disease acted up her airway would constrict.  For some reason, all winter she has had a strange cough that is getting worse.  The doctor is having us try an inhaler and if it does not work move on to heavier drugs.  The biggest problem is that she coughs so hard she vomits.  Dr. R does believe it is somehow associated with the PG. 
I am working part time and it is going well but I would not be able to do it without the Nanny that we have.  She knows Lil well, she takes care of our family, and she is willing to do what it takes to take care of our family.  She is willing to take 20 minutes to get Lil to take her medicine if that is what it takes.  And Lil will listen to her when she tells her to take it. No small feat with our Lil.  They have dance parties but she knows when Lil needs to rest.  They play dolls but knows when Lil can handle playing with friends. 
So life is going on but it is no normal life, we have just learned how to live it.  I have watched that happen with a few of our friends who have to live this life too.  They have learned how to live it.
Lil uses a special kind of Band-Aid because all the other ones cause sores on her skin.  A very kind couple from Golden Crown NYB ordered a whole case of them for us and we have been using them for months with no issues.  This week, for no known reason, we pulled one off and found this: 

These are the pustules.  Again, not big but there all the same and right at the injection sites.


I then noticed that the spots where we had given Lil her last couple of injections had caused small pustules.  Now they are small however this is scary.  It is scary because if you will remember, skin trauma causes lesions with Pyoderma Gangrenosum.  We have not seen an injection site cause a pustule in three years, at a time when we had no control over this disease.  They have not turned into anything but she is running random low grade fevers and not eating dinner.  She is also vomiting just about every night again.  These are not good signs.  The other thing is, the pustules are not going away.  They are not getting any bigger either which is good.  She is also in pain.  She grunts in pain all day.  I know that grunt and I know it well. First she told me it is her belly hurting then she said she was clearing her throat.  I don't think she knows what hurts, just that she is uncomfortable. 
That kid was listening to "Roar" today and said, "Hey mom!  It's our song." Then gave me a smile that just melted my heart, looked at me with eyes wiser than they should be and nodded her head.  She just gets it.