Saturday, April 5, 2014

Quick Update 10

So Lil did not behave while I was on my business trip! She has been running fevers up to 104.8 that would stubbornly only go down to 102.6 at the lowest with the advil/ tylenol three hour rotation. Dad was a beast and handled it all but the grandparents came through and helped out but coming by for dinner one night and then taking the twins for a sleepover another. I am on my way today to hold my sick baby in my arms but her fever did finally break yesterday afternoon. If it follows the pattern of the last month, I am wondering if it will be back but for now she is calming down. However, the vomiting has increased. Her lips do not look good although for some reason I cannot post pics from here. I will add them from home. I have to say it feels wonderful to be thinking like an educator. As I was driving here I called a colleague and told her I was not sure I could do this anymore. She assured me that I could, that this is who I am. It took about five minutes and then the part of my brain kicked into high gear and I felt whole again.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014


Your response to the t-shirt sale has been overwhelming. I wish you could know how thinking of you all wearing these shirts gives me strength... more on that later. For now do not use the button to buy a shirt! We still have one more step to take to complete the process! My wonderful cousin set it all up and I have one more thing to do. You are all so amazing. I am hoping to be done tomorrow afternoon. Unfortunately if you do order online you will have to pay $6 in shipping. I am sorry about this cost. So if at all possible try to get them from me or one of our family members or close friends. I can post a list of people who have offered to sell shirts if that would help. If you would like to help sell shirts, let me know and I will get you some order forms and envelopes.

LillyAnna's T shirt Sale

Grey T shirt
Bright Pink T shirt
Black Sweat Shirt
Bright Pink T shirt-SHIPPING ONLY
Black Sweat Shirt-SHIPPING ONLY

Oh The Thinks You Can Think

We decided bad news first right?  Well I guess technically I decided and you do not have much choice so I hope that is ok with you too.  As you have no doubt noticed, Lil has been on a steady decline for a few weeks now.  It is a slow decline and it is not serious enough to hospitalize us but it is a decline nonetheless.  She has been in more and more pain, temperatures that usually hover around 99.8 degrees when her disease acts up have now been steady between 100.6 and 101 then sometimes spiking up to 104 and higher.  She is coughing her "disease cough" which I describe as a croup type cough and vomiting at unusual times of the day besides her normal night time vomit sessions.  Besides the pain, the worst has been the sores on her lips; they just look so uncomfortable, they bleed, they burn and they hurt.  Her lips look terrible and then look completely normal the next day only to be covered in sores again in a few hours.  We do not know why.  I have been hearing the words 'I don't know' out of a lot of doctors' mouths the past couple weeks.  It reminds me of Mr. Hand which at least makes me smile.

The good news?  She is gaining a little weight finally and growing a bit taller.

But... (there is always a but) if the reason for the mouth sores is that they are a side effect of the methotrexate injections we have a problem.  The weight gain is most likely a gift of the methotrexate injections because overall she vomits less since starting the injections.  However if the injections are causing these mouth sores then the benefits may not outweigh the cost.

With the other symptoms we are seeing there is a chance that the mouth sores are a result of the disease instead of a side effect of the medicine.  Here is the issue: Pyoderma Gangrenosum does not attack the lips. Remember there have only been 16 cases of PG in infants.  However there was a case in a child at AI were that child had lesions on the inside of her body.  I do not know if it is called PG at that point.  My concern is that her PG is now attacking the cells inside her body and not only the cells on the outside of her body which is why we are now seeing sores on her lips.  Dr R assures me that PG does not "change lanes of the highway".  My response was "when does Lil's body ever follow the rules"?

Did you like how I sandwiched that good news in the middle?
What are we going to do about all of this?  Experiment.  We are going to give Lil a round of steroids and if her symptoms improve we can assume that she has some type of inflammation in her body.  This makes me want to scream, rip out my hair and feel relieved all at once.  I am glad we have medications at our disposal in this country that have the ability to make my baby feel better because as Dr R likes to point out, no matter who you are a dose of steroids is going to make you feel pretty darn good.  However, it is frustrating to use this as a way to find out if there is inflammation because it is not very accurate and it feels like we are just throwing drugs at her without really knowing why.  AGAIN.  Steroids are not something we take using lightly.

My wonderful cousin is working on creating a button for you to order Lil's t-shirts right here on the blog!   Thank you Ashlie!!!  So keep your eyes peeled for that... Thank you all!!