Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Move Over Rover!

I have some news to share with all of you.  We will be moving in with my father in law.  Next week we will be putting our house on the market to sell and looking for a house in which to live with him.  This situation will give us more support in many ways and we cannot be more happy to share our family and space with my father in law. 
LillyAnna has been flourishing with her new Nanny.  Since increasing her Humira (and the adjustment period following that) this fall LillyAnna is having less pain.  What comes with it is that she has been sick pretty much ever since.  Dr. R says she is good enough right now that we can get her vaccines.  It is always a give and take. 
My normal fears about Lil are rearing their ugly heads with our upcoming move but I am trying to be optimistic.  I don't know how to explain that although Lil is in less pain, there is still so much of her care that takes over our lives and makes me worry about how a move will affect her and her care.  The biggest difference now is that I have her nanny now and she makes all the difference.  She loves Lilly and loves our family and takes such good care of all of us but most especially Lil.  I never felt alone in all of this because I have all of you and loving family and an amazing husband.  But having someone who is here just to take care of and focus on Lil makes a big difference.  We have always been just on one side of qualifying for a nurse but never quite there.  This way (even though we pay for it out of pocket) I feel like I have that support.  I do not think I could even consider a move like this without her.  She is already offering to help me pack and keep the house in order for showings.  But what I know is that she will always keep Lil's care first.  And that is what is most important to us...