When LillyAnna throws up at night I think of the many kids at AI who throw up all day.
When LillyAnna takes this medicine as one of her doses per day, I remind myself of a friend of ours whose IV tower has about 10 pumps attached to it on a daily basis and on bad days needs two IV towers.
When LillyAnna cries out and grabs her 'booboo' as she is walking, I think about the kids I see who are in wheelchairs and will never walk.
I am very hard on myself sometimes. Last night when I finally sat down to dinner at 10pm after starting her bedtime routine at 7pm because LillyAnna was choking and gagging for two hours and then finally threw up, I felt so awful. I just don't know how else to describe it. I remind myself of all of these things but it just does not get me out of the doldrums. Then I feel guilty because I have so much for which to be thankful. Like that fact that I get to hear my baby's laughter when so many children's laughter has died right along with them. I would think that almost everyone has these nights. The nights you yell at your kids and then feel awful or when you saw your ex and said something you know you shouldn't have or when you experienced something that is laying across your soul like the heaviest blanket and you just can't wait to fall asleep simply so that you do not have to think about it anymore. And you know your blessings but they are buried under your sadness and exhaustion. It is good to keep things in perspective but it is also ok to feel sorry for yourself sometimes. An old friend of mine, Mary, once told me that she allows a ten minute 'feel sorry for myself' period a day. When that 10 minutes is up, that is all you get. No matter what is happening in your life, it is real and difficult to deal with even if it is not as bad as what someone else is dealing with. So I follow a simple mantra; as Dorey says, "Just keep swimming..."
After the Great Pustule Popping Incident, that darn pustule went away. Imagine that! It is my opinion that Lil is cutting two teeth this week and her disease is acting up in repsonse to that. Before lapsing on the Humira for two weeks over a month ago, Lil was following a pattern of her disease acting up on day 10 and then calming down again with the Humira. We will have to wait and see if that happens again. Today's blood work looked almost exactly as it did last week which is good enough for Dr. R to say we could wean the steroids a little more (to 0.6). I would love to know what it looked like in the beginning of the week when her lesions did not look so good but it is what it is.
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