The big battle that has been raging in this house lately is the War of the Crib. LillyAnna is still a two year old a very smart one at that. It is so hard for me because when she does not feel good, she wants me to sleep in her room with her. I know she is two, I know she is smart but she is still my baby and she is in pain.
So this week she and I have battled. We had a long talk about her needing to sleep in her crib and me needing to sleep in my bed and that if she cries when I leave the room, she will throw up. Sometimes, many times, she throws up anyway and then gets really upset like she did something wrong. I hope I am not damaging her mentally. She is doing well and has learned that she needs to go to sleep by herself. I don't know how much of that has to do with her pain being controlled by the Oxycodone which is a pretty hard core narcotic. Or is it just knocking her on her ass because it is a pretty hard core narcotic? These are the kinds of arguments that happen in my brain all day.
It is one of the reasons I enjoy my job so much. When I am working at the restaurant, I cannot think about Lil or the hospital or these questions, I am just too busy. I get to be normal and it feels so good. It helps that I work in a great restaurant with people who have a real passion for what they do.
About two months ago my very observant father found two small lumps on the side of LillyAnna's neck. They were hard and about the size of a pea. We showed Dr. R and he said they were probably lymph nodes and to keep an eye on them. Friday afternoon Chris was giving Lil a "big hug" and felt the lumps again. They have grown in size. One is now the size of a marble and there are two more on the other side of her neck. Dr. R is going to see us tomorrow and check them out. I am trying not to worry. It is most likely nothing; the problem is that the idea that lymphoma is a side effect of Humira is always in the back of my mind but I also know that she gets bloodwork so often and signs of cancer would have shown up there.
So I am working on keeping that Grinch at bay. Chris has been wonderful. He keeps putting the Christmas music channels on for me because he knows I like them and he has taken all the decorations out without me asking. We have so much to be thankful for. Last night we went to one of my favorite events of the year, my friend Jason's Christmas party. We had awesome babysitters who braved the snow, came early, stayed late and then told us how good the kids were! The party ended with my one of my most important friends sitting in a chair crying quietly and me kneeling at his feet, head in his lap crying quietly too. He just kept saying 'this could only happen to you because you are the only one who has the strength to handle this, the only one'. I know that is not true but to know he feels that way meant something.
Lil is not dying and she does look pretty happy sometimes. She enjoys her life and this is what her life is going to be, it could be so much worse. But I am tired. I am learning to live with this life but it is so hard. It is so hard to watch your baby throw up constantly, to be on constant vigil of wounds and weight and lumps and swelling and the unknown, it is just so hard to see your baby in pain. It is hard to watch how all of this affects the rest of your family emotionally and financially. It is hard when it goes on and on and you see no end. It is hard when there are so many unknowns and you want to fight and fight to help her but you do not even know what you are fighting against. I do know what I am fighting for so that is what gets me out of bed in the morning and keeps me moving forward.
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