Best patient ever:) |
Meeting the lead research doctor today was so much like that moment. She was ethereally beautiful in a way only some older women can be that made me deeply envious and made me fall in love with her all at the same time. She knew just the right moments to engage with Lil so that she would trust her. She told me I was smart and I knew my stuff (not in those words). She let her grey show. We brought about 60 pictures of lesions with us and she spent about 2 to 3 minutes pouring over each one like it was gold. She knew her stuff. She taught me things and respected my opinion.
We saw eight doctors today and that is not including the fellows and interns who came in just to take a peek. I have not told Lil's whole story in so long but today I told it eight times. Each doctor hung on my every word.
You have to be humbled to hear the words "extraordinary", "amazing", "unusual for this disease", "fascinating" and a host of others at a place like the National Institute of Health where they see the most fascinating diseases in the world. These doctors used those words to describe my baby girl. I am still deciding how I feel about that and I think they are too. They have not yet told us the plan forward.
We met each doctor individually today. Tomorrow Chris and I will get blood work which Lil is going to love to watch! Then all three of us are going to get either punch biopsies of the skin or shave biopsies. As you know this is a procedure that causes all of us worry when it comes to Lil. However, we consulted with Dr. R and the new angel Doc and we have all decided that this is why we are here. We are going to have to take some chances. The risk is that she will develop a lesion from this more invasive skin trauma. We have steroids on hand and lots of practiced eyes watching out. Other than that we have x-rays scheduled for today and some samples to collect. We do not know what else they have planned for us. I am hoping the team discussion happens. I hate not knowing what they are thinking. We are already out of their research group technically, does this "unusual for this disease" amazing-ness put us even further out of that range or does it make us more interesting?
And then there are my babies at home who are being loved at by family and their school family in ways I cannot even begin to thank them enough for. I had a chance to put Nettie and Chris to bed Sunday night over Facetime. They used a book which they connected to a Heartstring when Lil was in the hospital, then when our beautiful friend Lucy died and now again for this trip. Their teachers and head of school shared with their classes. And our family, I just do not know what I can say about how our family has come through for us this week.
I will continue to keep everyone updated. Thank you for your support. You have no idea how I feel supported just by seeing how many people have read the blog. You just have no idea.
praying for all of you. love you maryellenstrohm