Saturday, December 31, 2016

Today I'll Be a Princess

Where do I even begin with what has been happening with LillyAnna lately?  It is hard to know. Should I start with how she was so miserable from being on steroids and being in pain that she refused to perform in her Christmas dance performance?  And how the two of us stood backstage and cried for the full hour long show? 
Or do I tell you all how she has been in such pain that she has not wanted to do anything but cry and sit on the couch?
Or do I tell you how we left the hospital from seeing my dad and she puked in the parking lot in the freezing cold?  Because, yes, she has been vomiting every night. 
Or do I start by telling you how we have taken to calling her Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde because her mood swings just got that bad from the steroids.  If you have ever been on steroids, you know how crazy they can make you feel.  Try that on a five year old, during the holidays....
I could keep going but I won't.  Let me tell you why.
I also ran into old friends who I call Dragon Mothers.  If you follow my blog, you know that Dragon Mothers are those who have watched their children die.  I am not going to sugar coat it.  They have held their babies while they took their last breath or worse, did not have that privilege.  Recently Lil has been talking A LOT about her friend Lucy whose Dragon Mother was a close friend of mine.  Every time in the past month we pass a cemetery close to our house she says, "I wish Lucy was buried there so we could go visit her every day."  And so I contacted her to let her know her baby, who died at 5 years old, is not forgotten.
Another Dragon Mother I ran into in the grocery store the day before Christmas Eve.  I have not seen her since her son Dan's funeral.  We talked for about an hour and made everyone around us annoyed but I hope they saw us crying and tried to understand.
And yet one more, her son died a horrible death from Mitochondrial Disease, like Lucy, and now her daughter has it.  There is no cure.  I reached out to her to come back to our group.  I cannot imagine what that family is going through.
Why has this been happening?  I believe it is to remind me that no matter how bad it gets, I still get to hold my baby at night.  I still get to smell her and feel her small, soft hand in mine and listen to her sweet voice, even when she sounds like she is a character in The Exorcist. 
There has been a lot of pain with this flair.  Much more than the last it seems.  She is getting much better at telling us about her pain, which meds she needs and when, but she has been in so much pain.  She can tell us when she needs Tylenol /Advil or oxycodone and I can tell her what she is allowed to have.   I don't know how to help her.  I would take it all if I could.  And worse, I don't know where it is coming from. 
She very much enjoyed Christmas morning and Christmas Day but even with pain meds we did not have things under control.  Yesterday all she had was Tylenol and her normal meds so that is an improvement.  But we had a couple of days like that mixed in so I am not holding my breath. 
My baby is suffering, it is getting worse and I don't know why. 
To top it all off, we have been denied Medicaid.  It is some kind of mistake but I am praying it can be fixed even though I have called a number of times and gotten no response.  Julie and I are going to go down there and just sit and wait.  I am starting to have to buy more medical supplies and now have to pay for them out of pocket.  What a mess. 
It is so hard because she looks so good and normal to everyone else but they have no idea what goes into making her look that way or what things look like at home... Happy New Year Everyone.  I am so grateful for this life, my little girl, my other two beautiful babies, my husband, my family, all of you; I could just go on and on.  I hope 2017 brings more beauty and light.  And for today, she will be a Princess.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds so hard. But you have a beautiful grateful spirit. Give her an extra hug from me, even though she doesn't know me. I hope and pray that 2017 is a much better year.....xoxoxo Linda
