Monday, April 15, 2013


Since my last post, LillyAnna has been about the same.  She continues to vomit at night although we did get a break last night.  I think this is most likely because she did not eat very much that day and nothing for dinner.  Her intake has decreased in the past couple of days and the techs had some trouble getting blood from her today most likely because she had not had much to drink beforehand.  She has also had some trouble sleeping the last two days.  Her white blood cell count is down to 10.4 from 12.5, CRPs have stayed below 0.5 and sed rate is at 8 from 9.  Although these numbers are down, they are still higher than we would like to see except CRPs.  Dr. R and I expected her numbers to be high last week due to her ear infection.  I am not sure how the doc feels about these numbers yet as I have not spoken to him.  I am taking her temperatures twice a day and they continue to range between 99.7 and 101.2.  She is uncomfortable, fussy and not eating and drinking great but not anything I am panicked about.  This happens sometimes when she is fighting off another illness or starting to get sick.  It can also happen if there is something more serious happening. 

Today I found out that a young boy from our support group has passed away.  He had many health issues.  His little spirit will live on in those children who will receive his salvageable organs.  Chris and I did not know this little boy or his family well although we recognize them from the hospital and have heard their story in our support group.  Their story is sad and I have shed more than my share of tears for this little boy and his family.  Selfishly, it petrifies me.  Lil's disease is not life threatening at this time but we know so little about her prognosis.  We know so little about what her future will look like and tonight when she threw up my heart just broke for her.  I held her a little longer than necessary and I cried a lot.  I took a deep breath filled with her beautiful clean baby smell and gave her a kiss.  Hopefully she will sleep peacefully tonight.  At least little Gavin will sleep peacefully now and I pray that his family will someday too. 

1 comment:

  1. God received another angel. I am so sorry.
