Monday, April 22, 2013

I'll See You In The Morning

LillyAnna had a very difficult night last night. Basically neither of us slept. She woke up about 4 times between 7 and 10 crying out "owie owie" but them went back to sleep. The rest of the night, she did not go back to sleep without me rocking her.  When she is feeling good, she usually sleeps 12-13 hours a night. Today her left side seemed tender but she was also very constipated. Her bloodwork last week looked virtually the same as the week before. I thought her numbers looked high but Dr. R pointed out that they are within the normal range so that is good even if they are at the high end of normal. 
I am wondering if it could be something as simple as an ear infection.  Her lesions act up when she is fighting off something else, the waking up at night could be ear pain (or about ten thousand other things!)  But this is how she fell asleep tonight.  

Today I found another pustule in the lesion on her right hip. But she is eating and drinking well... I just hope she sleeps tonight. You will be happy to hear that I contacted the Children's Hospital of Cincinnati and I excercised today so I am starting to meet my goals for the week.  But then again when you tell hundreds of people your goals, you are kind of stuck!


  1. So glad you're going to get more opinions.

  2. God love all of you. Hope the Children hospital in Cincinnati gives us a cure.

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