Since then, Lil has had some lesion activity and vomiting to go along with it. Things calmed down after starting her antibiotic, her disease acts up whenever she is fighting off another illness. However, to follow the same pattern, she began vomiting regularly Tuesday. Sound familiar? Exactly ten days after receiving her Humira injection she begins the whole cycle until the next injection. This time, the vomiting has been worse. I woke up this morning to a crib covered in vomit. Somehow she managed to wake up in the middle of the night, projectile vomit across her crib but pretty much keep the area in which she was sleeping clean and go back to sleep without waking me up.
One option we have is to give her the injection every ten days instead of two weeks. I am so reluctant to do that because she is already receiving a dose much larger than she should be. There are tow reasons for this. One is that the injection only comes in two doses and there is no other way to dose it out. Humira is not FDA approved for a child Lil's age so they do not make it in that dose. The second reason is that her disease is so bad, she needs it. Now we may have to increase that even more which just makes me sick. The lesions look better now but she is complaining that they hurt a lot and I have been giving her Advil around the clock. I hate giving her that much Advil. I know how bad it is for her stomach. However, when I compare it to the medicines she was on I guess it is not too bad. I did have a long talk with someone I know who uses natural remedies. I am a big proponent of natural remedies. I am just so afraid right now. Traditional medicine is like a life preserver for me and I am holding on tight.
I have been a little down in my own self pity these past couple of weeks. Tuesday my aunt graciously invited me and my three kids over. They spent the day tearing up her house and eating her food. She did it with a smile on her face and without getting outwardly frustrated. Yesterday another best friend of mine forced me to get out of the house and take the kids to the zoo. These may seem like pretty innocuous things but getting the energy up to take all three kids out after cleaning up after LillyAnna and getting her medicines ready and then the normal stuff involved in getting three young kids out of the house is no easy feat and when I feel down in the dumps, it is even harder. I am so glad I have these people and so many others who do so much for us. Keeping us on this side of sane takes people who love us that are willing to do these kinds of things and so many others; babysitting, listening, sympathizing, taking the twins to do something special, visiting us and occupying them or holding the baby, did I mention babysitting? SO many things break up the monotony of vomit, lesion obsession and medication. Thank you all.
Oh Gina, keep us posted on Lil's rash and lesions and vomiting. That poor kid, and I know what this must be doing to your spirit. If you need help just holler. I just love being out with the kids, and I will think of new places to take them. When was the last time they went to the Philly Zoo?