Sunday, May 5, 2013

I Am Running In A Circle

In order to attempt to prevent a reaction to Humira this week, we have premedicted LillyAnna with Benadryl and Tylenol. Dr. R told me to give her a dose of each every four hours after the shot. We will see how it goes. Her blood work looked ok this week. Sed rate was up from 8 to 9 but still in the normal range. White blood cell count is down from 9.3 to 8 and CRP is the same at <0.5. I have stopped seeing a clear pattern in her symptoms which Dr R and I agree could be from building up antibodies to the Humira but could also be her body adjusting to Methotrexate.

Dr R consulted with rheumatology on Tuesday about a test that determines if antibodies to Humira are present. They told him one did not exist. He went looking himself just to gather information and found a test. How did this happen? It was approved that day! We should play the lottery! First a disease that is rarer than rare and now this! Lol!

As soon as they can figure out the logistics we are going to test her. It is only a blood test, she gets blood draws each week so this will not be a problem for her. Dr R and I also talked about the fact that her blood work does not really correlate with her symptoms which is very perplexing. He mentioned that he is glad we are going to Cincinnati because if she is building antibodies to Humira, he would like some other opinions on where to go next. Enbrel is the only other drug in this category and he does not think it would be a good option. We did not get to talk about why.  One thing I did notice this week is that she was fussy and temps were elevated before her lesions started acting up.  She did not eat for two days either and was up at night.  She has been pulling at her lesions and crying saying they hurt.  She has been limping a little and falling over.  Hopefully now that she got the Humira she will start to feel better. 

Seeing him and touching base with him did wonders for me. We talked a lot about my options for being able to work next year,  my daily life with her and what is happening with her disease. We also discussed Nettie and her stomach issues. Nettie is going to see a GI doctor. After that, we will try to see if there is a connection between the girls and their stomach issues. Lil was supposed to get her shot Friday but we had issues with the pharmacy (not our local pharmacy, our local pharmacy is amazing) so she did not get it until this morning (Sunday). Last night was vomit city. Not much fun when you are on vacation! Luckily we have loving and understanding family who is willing to work through this time of our lives with us.

We are now in Cape Hatteras for vacation. Even with two four year olds and Lil our trip down was wonderful. The kids were great, no one threw up and we stopped for a nice dinner. After the hell of getting the Humira taken care of Friday, the drive was a welcome retreat. Unfortunately, when we got in and settled I attempted to put Lil to bed. Silly me, thinking I could go a day without puke! She vomited three times. And in my relaxed state, I was not prepared. Therefore I got hosed (think The Excorcist), literally. We both ended up getting a shower at midnight.

I am still waiting for Dr. R and the doctor from Cincinnati to connect.  They are both very busy and have been calling each other every day this week.  Once that happens, we can move forward.  Senator Carper's office has been phenomenal.  I sent my letter in an email format and paper.  Someone got back to me the next day and we are moving forward with that also. 

Things are moving forward and I feel good about that but my stress level is through the roof.  It is good because it is keeping me energized and I am not eating too much! LOL!  Nothing is easy.  Everything is taking ten thousand phone calls, I fill out paperwork and have to fill it out again.  It is times like this I am so overly grateful for the help we have been given and continue to get.  It comes in so many shapes and sizes, it comes from unexpected places and people and it warms my heart every day. 
Lil's first ice cream cone... she loved it!

1 comment:

  1. I love her eating the ice cream cone.My favorite too.
