Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Oh The Places You'll Go

Face is thinning out, more sure on her feet. Words sound like words, makes her wishes known. Tries to comfort people when they are sad, hates the high chair. In the last week so many little things have happened that make it very apparent LillyAnna is growing up. She is my last baby. The part of my life where I get pregnant and have babies is over. There are not many other times when the line between then and now is so definitive. But this one is. Tonight as I rocked her to sleep ( got puked on and then rocked her again), she played with my hair and sat staring at me. A ran my hand down her arms and legs and felt the last of her baby softness and smelled her sweet baby hair. There is still time I know but I also know how fast kids change and how easy it is to forget things you once thought were a part if your memory forever. Like how it feels when your baby breastfeeds and what it is like to hold your infant on your chest.
It is hard work to take care of LillyAnna. But in some strange way, she manages to make me happy every single day in a way that is different than any other happiness. No.... She is not my "favorite". Contrary to popular opinion I do not have a favorite. Well, that is not exactly true. I do have a favorite. Each minute if each day the favorite changes and they all get their turn.

I have no idea what she is trying to tell me in this video but she is very serious about something on her foot!


  1. She is too too cute! Love her so much. xxoo Granny

  2. Watched with Ruby. She was fascinated. Clearly she knows Lil is her best friend.
