Thursday, June 13, 2013

Just Me and My Dad

When LillyAnna was in the hospital for two and a half months last year Chris was basically a single dad of 4 year old twins except for one thing.  He had a very sick baby and wife to take care of in the hospital.  I remember one time after we had been in the hospital for about a month.  I came home for one of my very short visits to lay with the kids and read a book before bedtime while my dad was at the hospital with the baby.  When I walked in the kitchen looked different.  I could not figure it out the whole time I was there and then finally on my way out I did.  Chris had been hanging the kids art work up all over the kitchen cabinets.  There were hearts and rainbows, stick people and scribbles with Nettie and Chris careful handwritten in the corners.  I marveled at this; I always wanted to be the mom who hung up her kids' work but to be honest after working all day, doing dinner and laundry and everything else, getting out the tape and taping down the corners of their stuff seemed like too much work.  (Insert Mom guilt here)  I idea that after working all day, taking care of the kids, getting my stuff together to bring to the hospital, doing laundry, cleaning up and worrying and staying up to date on Lil he would take the time to do that just simply amazed me, made me fall in love with him all over again and reminded me of what a wonderful dad he is. 
This is the memory I am holding onto as I go to work tonight for the first time in a year.  I want to be home with my family and my sick baby but knowing that Chris is here with them and knowing what he is capable of will keep me from crying all the way there and back. 


  1. Gina,
    Beautiful. Happy Father's Day and back to work. Try to take the opportunity at work to just be at work. It will be hard at first but you will find that you we be rejuvenated by not being "on" all the time. Take your time at work. You will be amazed at how rejuvinated you will feel just by allowing yourself to focus intensely on something else. I'm praying for you and so glad to have meet you and Lily Anna.

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  3. I saw Chris in action with the kids last night. I never had such motherly pride in my life! Chris is patient, kind, and very loving to those wonderful children, who, nevertheless, can be a handful. What totally blew me away was how he sat in the dark in Lilly's room, holding her gently, and dealing lovingly with her constant throwing up. You don't have to talk about love, all you have to do is see it to know it. What a Dad! I am so so so proud of my son!!!

  4. Hi Gina, This is Maryellen Strohm, I cannot figure out the publish end but anyway, Good Luck with your new job.Is that near Pike Creek? My sister Ann lives in Sherwood Park. It sounds familiar. I Totally agree with Chris's mom. He is such a wonderful father to all of your children. Blessingd sent your way. Take Care and God Bless.
