Monday, June 10, 2013

Short Love Poem

Short Love Poem
By Judith Viorst

It’s hard to love
The tallest girl
When you’re the shortest guy
For every time
You try to look
Your true love in the eye
You see
Her bellybutton
Chris and I are feeling a little like we are looking into the bellybutton of life right now and it is very overwhelming.  This year has been difficult but one thing we have not had to worry much about is money thanks to the generosity of the employees in the Brandywine School District.  Now we are looking at making some very difficult decisions.  I will receive my last pay check in a week and we are on our own.  Due to more help from very good friends, I now have a part time job.  It has been years since I have worked in a restaurant and if I am honest with myself, I have missed it.  I love teaching.  Teaching is my heart and soul but I do truly love waitressing and bartending also.  They seem like opposite ends of the spectrum but they are not as far apart as you might think.  So back behind the bar I go. 
I am terrified of being away from the baby even if it is only a few nights a week.  I am terrified of making the decisions I know we have to make.  Sitting with a baby while she gags and throws up for two hours a night takes a mother's love. But as I have said, this is our life now and we have to live it.  Chris and I know how blessed we are.  We have so much for which to be thankful but Lil's needs are wearing on us.  She is so wonderful and happy and that sometimes makes it worse.  I mean, she thinks this is just life.  That it is normal to throw up nine times before bed or to have boo boos all over your body.  We know better. 
LillyAnna's blood work is almost all in the normal range.  Her platelets are high but Dr R assures me that he is sees no reason for concern at this time because her other inflammatory markers are within the normal range.  In some ways it was easier when what I was seeing with her clinically matched what we were seeing in her blood work. 
We had a lot of fun at a party the other night but the mosquitoes had the feast on most of us.  We are not sure if Lil has some hard core mosquito bites or if they are something else.  I am one of the lucky ones whose blood is not tasty to them apparently but boy do they love Chris.  He says he has had bites that resemble these but they should be clearing up and they are not.  We are keeping a close eye on them now.  Although her other lesions have looked very good since the steroids she was taking for her croup, the past couple of days we are seeing some pustules and she is saying they hurt.  How much do you believe a two year old when they tell you something hurts?  I do not know.  But I do know that she knows when she is going to throw up and when she is done.  And she is almost always right.  When she says her boo boos hurt, I think she is telling the truth but who knows.  And what can I do about it?  Advil has the potential to make her stomach worse.  Anything hard core just messes with her stomach more.  And even though she says they hurt when we touch them she is generally so happy....that is such a blessing but it sure confuses the hell out of us.  Her vomiting is just simply out of control.  There is really no pattern at all anymore.  She vomits all day.  Sometimes it is only a little bit and she just swallows it back down (gross) and other times there are just huge amounts that come shooting out of her mouth.   She chokes and gags and seems so uncomfortable.  Of course, like most two year olds she has to give us a run down afterwards.  "I frow up. I frow up." until we acknowledge her "yes lil, you throw up."
And it is all just getting to us.  We are down in it right now.  We love this kid so much and she makes us all so happy.  The twins are just infatuated with her and are so good to her. She feels the same way about them.  We are coming up on our one year anniversary of Lil's disease and life is going on. 

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