Things have not gotten much better for Lil since my last update. She has been in a lot of pain and just generally under the weather. Some days have been worse than others. Saturday was a beautiful day for her and I thought maybe we had turned a corner but she woke up the next day logy and uncomfortable once again. Her lips continue to grow large open sores that bleed off and on. Today she has been vomiting all day. Her blood work is consistent with what I am seeing. All of her inflammatory markers at up, not very high but up. We will get blood work again Friday if all of this continues. My heart hurts for her. She is telling us things hurt but as is usual for toddlers, she is not very accurate and so it is very hard for is to help her.
As I have shared with you, we have been asked to speak at AI DuPont's Rare Disease Day. This is a huge deal for us. We need people, as many people as possible, to hear LillyAnna's story. We need to find another child with the same symptoms so we can compare them and their treatments. Being the first of only 4 families to speak on May 19th is a big honor and will gain us some of this much needed attention.
Everyone is always asking us how they can help. We have decided to sell t-shirts in honor of Lil so you can show your support for her and us but more so we can spread the word about her and her disease. Soon, you will see a link on this site were you can purchase a shirt right through this site! (Hopefully!) For now, if you know us or someone in our immediate family personally, the shirts are $16 each. Our computer is having problems again but should be fixed tomorrow. I am going to add pictures if the shirts, Lil's recent wounds (remember this is for documentation sake also:), and I will proofread it! Lol! Until then... Thank you all so much. We could never live this life without your love and support. When I am at my weakest, I really do think of all of you and it gives me strength.
The Castelli family and the chaos that perpetually surrounds a chronically ill child.
Monday, March 31, 2014
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Quick Update 9
It turns out that Lil has an ear infection (our faces lit up as we said in unison "oooh... something to treat!"- PATHETIC!), her tonsils are very swollen and covered in puss but she does not have strep. This was notable to me because since the mouth sores started about two months ago Chris and I have been examining Lil's mouth and throat each day but we do not really know what to look for. What Dr G saw today is what we have been seeing every day. I do not see this as a good sign. This is also the other reason I am ready to go to Medical School. Sign. Me. Up. I am sure they will not mind if my homework is covered in vomit.
It has been determined that the mouth sore looked "minimally abraded" which basically means that it looks like a scrape. My issue (and frustration) with this is that is the explanation for all of her mouth sores. It is just not possible that all of a sudden she has gotten random scrapes on the inside of her mouth in the last two months when she never had them before and that she has gotten this many of them.
The other piece of this puzzle that gnaws at me is that when Lil was diagnosed with Pyoderma Gangrenosum there was a doctor dealing with a case of it at AI in a child but it was attacking the child's internal organs instead of the skin. We determined at the time that this was not happening to Lil because her interleukin profile was different than that case and the drug Anakinra actually created lesions instead of making her current lesions better. My case right now is that maybe her body is now attacking her internal tissue. Dr R says this is not likely because they "don't switch lanes of the highway". (Very cute Dr R). My problem with that is when does Lil EVER follow the rules? So Dr R and I will have to have a little chat on Monday. It is a good thing we respect each other- a lot. It is one of the reasons I stick with him and one of the reasons I think he is such a phenomenal doctor.
No energy to proofread tonight- I was right about last night:)
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Boa Constrictor
Boa Constrictor by Shel Silverstein
Oh, I'm being eaten
By a boa constrictor,
A boa constrictor,
A boa constrictor,
I'm being eaten by a boa constrictor,
And I don't like it--one bit.
Well, what do you know?
It's nibblin' my toe.
Oh, gee,
It's up to my knee.
Oh my,
It's up to my thigh.
Oh, fiddle,
It's up to my middle.
Oh, heck,
It's up to my neck.
Oh, dread,
It's upmmmmmmmmmmffffffffff . . .
By a boa constrictor,
A boa constrictor,
A boa constrictor,
I'm being eaten by a boa constrictor,
And I don't like it--one bit.
Well, what do you know?
It's nibblin' my toe.
Oh, gee,
It's up to my knee.
Oh my,
It's up to my thigh.
Oh, fiddle,
It's up to my middle.
Oh, heck,
It's up to my neck.
Oh, dread,
It's upmmmmmmmmmmffffffffff . . .
Most concerning at this point (besides her increased discomfort) are her mouth sores. As you know, mouth sores have been coming and going in Lil's mouth looking like small pustules. Sometimes they seem to bother her very much and other times not so much. At this point there is a sore that has been growing on her lip that has been bothering her a lot. As Dr R likes to remind me "we cannot have breakdown of her tissue" as we have learned her body responds by basically attacking it. So I will be contacting him tomorrow. This sore is really bothering her to the point where she does not want to eat because it hurts.
I wanted to keep you all updated. There is more I want to tell you.... our greatest supporters. But I am very very tired and I have a feeling tonight is going to be a long one for me. It took our baby girl a long time (and some hard core drugs) to get comfortable enough to get to sleep tonight. Those kinds of drugs do not last long and we have to be conservative using them or they make the vomiting worse which is hard to imagine but possible all the same. I do want to say that I had to call out of work for the first time tonight because of LillyAnna's illness. I know family comes first but this is not something I am ever comfortable doing. My Redfire family rallied around me today and for that I am so grateful. Thank you guys:)
***I also have to give a shout out to my Aunt Sue who used to sing the Boa Constrictor Song to me when I was a little girl... fun memories Aunt Sue! And now I sing it to my little ones... so much fun.
***I also have to give a shout out to my Aunt Sue who used to sing the Boa Constrictor Song to me when I was a little girl... fun memories Aunt Sue! And now I sing it to my little ones... so much fun.
Saturday, March 8, 2014
Love, Stargirl
And now I have so much to share with you, it is hard to know where to start so for this morning I am going to update you on Lil and leave some of the deep stuff for a late night and a glass of wine.
I could not leave this out, it was too cute:) |
Lil is having a very difficult week. She has not been feeling well and the very sad part is that it hardly even affects us anymore. When people ask how she is I can say, it is her normal stuff and they know exactly what I mean. I wonder at what point that will stop bothering me. She has been in a lot of pain and as usual it is very difficult to figure out the source of her pain and with her demeanor it is hard to determine the extent of her pain. We can usually distract her from it pretty easily but this week it has even been hard to do that. She has developed some papules and pustules but nothing extreme. The pustules did surprise me as she just had her doses of Humira and Methotrexate so this should have been a good time for her. She tells us that her boo boos hurt and points to small cuts or papules that cannot possibly be that painful. However from what I have been reading and discussing with the doctors, this is how toddlers are notoriously bad at describing their pain. She has also been saying that her belly hurts but this is new. With all of her vomiting and not eating, she has never said her belly hurt before. This week she would actually grab her belly and scream that her belly was hurting. After a week of sleepless nights for her and I (she was just too uncomfortable to sleep) I gave in and started giving her doses of oxycodone on top of her other pain meds at night and if I time it just right I can get it to settle in her stomach before the vomiting begins. At least I think that is what is happening and I have my reasons for thinking that but they are too gruesome to share even here! And then there are the mom instincts... it is in the eyes. I can just see it in her eyes. She does not look right.
Going to AI is like Christmas! |
Hands red and swollen |
Now good news.... and there are two things.
Someone learned how to take their own medicine! |
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