Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Quick Update 9

Dr R requested that I take LillyAnna to the pediatrician today because he was working out of town.  The frustrating part of this is that although my pediatrician is absolutely phenomenal, he knows even less about Lil's disease than I do.  So after Dr R gave me some specific instructions for him I packed everyone up and off we went.

It turns out that Lil has an ear infection (our faces lit up as we said in unison "oooh... something to treat!"- PATHETIC!), her tonsils are very swollen and covered in puss but she does not have strep.  This was notable to me because since the mouth sores started about two months ago Chris and I have been examining Lil's mouth and throat each day but we do not really know what to look for.  What Dr G saw today is what we have been seeing every day.  I do not see this as a good sign.  This is also the other reason I am ready to go to Medical School.  Sign. Me. Up.  I am sure they will not mind if my homework is covered in vomit.

It has been determined that the mouth sore looked "minimally abraded" which basically means that it looks like a scrape.  My issue (and frustration) with this is that is the explanation for all of her mouth sores.  It is just not possible that all of a sudden she has gotten random scrapes on the inside of her mouth in the last two months when she never had them before and that she has gotten this many of them.

The other piece of this puzzle that gnaws at me is that when Lil was diagnosed with Pyoderma Gangrenosum there was a doctor dealing with a case of it at AI in a child but it was attacking the child's internal organs instead of the skin.  We determined at the time that this was not happening to Lil because her interleukin profile was different than that case and the drug Anakinra actually created lesions instead of making her current lesions better.  My case right now is that maybe her body is now attacking her internal tissue.  Dr R says this is not likely because they "don't switch lanes of the highway".  (Very cute Dr R).  My problem with that is when does Lil EVER follow the rules?  So Dr R and I will have to have a little chat on Monday.  It is a good thing we respect each other- a lot.  It is one of the reasons I stick with him and one of the reasons I think he is such a phenomenal doctor.

No energy to proofread tonight- I was right about last night:)

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