Monday, March 31, 2014

Cookie's Week

Things have not gotten much better for Lil since my last update. She has been in a lot of pain and just generally under the weather. Some days have been worse than others. Saturday was a beautiful day for her and I thought maybe we had turned a corner but she woke up the next day logy and uncomfortable once again. Her lips continue to grow large open sores that bleed off and on. Today she has been vomiting all day. Her blood work is consistent with what I am seeing. All of her inflammatory markers at up, not very high but up. We will get blood work again Friday if all of this continues. My heart hurts for her. She is telling us things hurt but as is usual for toddlers, she is not very accurate and so it is very hard for is to help her.

As I have shared with you, we have been asked to speak at AI DuPont's Rare Disease Day. This is a huge deal for us. We need people, as many people as possible, to hear LillyAnna's story. We need to find another child with the same symptoms so we can compare them and their treatments. Being the first of only 4 families to speak on May 19th is a big honor and will gain us some of this much needed attention.
Everyone is always asking us how they can help.  We have decided to sell t-shirts in honor of Lil so you can show your support for her and us but more so we can spread the word about her and her disease. Soon, you will see a link on this site were you can purchase a shirt right through this site! (Hopefully!) For now, if you know us or someone in our immediate family personally, the shirts are $16 each. Our computer is having problems again but should be fixed tomorrow. I am going to add pictures if the shirts, Lil's recent wounds (remember this is for documentation sake also:), and I will proofread it! Lol! Until then... Thank you all so much. We could never live this life without your love and support. When I am at my weakest, I really do think of all of you and it gives me strength.

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