Wednesday, May 6, 2015

You Rest Here With Me

So our girl is not feeling well.  All of a sudden, out of no where, she started having a lot of pain.  We were planting flowers out back, the twins were off building forts with the table and chairs on the deck.  Lil insisted on helping me water the plants as I put them in the ground.  I knew something was wrong when she pulled up her folding chair and told me she had to sit down in between each one because she had 'owies'.  You would think she would have let me help with the watering can but that is only something you think if you do not know Lilly. 

Since then, she has been having some pain (which seems to be controlled well by an extra shot of  Meloxicam in the morning), her hair is falling out a bit, she is vomiting daily and her stool is that whitish green color again.  What could be bringing on this flare?  She has no cold symptoms or other signs of illness.  The answer is: I have no idea.  so we will keep a close eye on this baby girl.  I will cuddle her and love her and so will her daddy.  And we will hope this is short lived. 


  1. Hey girl it's Melissa from PLV. Thinking of you and I hope you have a great Mother's Day! Enjoy the little things!
