Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Amelia Bedelia

I feel like Amelia Bedelia.  When Lil is sick I just barely 'win people over'; manage my house, keep my marriage intact, maintain my friendships, pay my bills!  I just do not understand it.  I watch so many families around me manage children whose complex medical needs are far more demanding than Lil's.  I watch them live their lives with balance.  Yet I feel like Amelia Bedelia. 
Image result for amelia bedelia

Our lives will be plugging along, a lot like the Little Engine That Could.  We check Lil, take her for her extra appointments, make sure she does not get a lot of mosquito bites in the summer or get too cold in the winter.  We wipe her hands with real alcohol wipes all the time and avoid public places when there is a disease prevalent (which is just about always) or flu is in high season.  The list goes on and on.  Those are daily things.  Oh... and we take care of her 'boo boos'.  Her daily boo boos are the days she wakes up and her joints hurt from the arthritis which usually happens about 2-3 times a week. 

Then something like this happens.  About every other month we get thrown a curve ball.  Whether it is high fevers, lesions that are opening up, vomiting, a combination or some strange something; her disease will give us a little gift.  I wish I could get used to it but instead I get all twisted.  And it frustrates the hell out of me.  That is what you saw last night in my post.

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Not only am I frustrated by Lil's disease but I am frustrated by all it takes away from us as a family and all it takes away from her.  I do not in any way mean to minimize the experience of my dear friends who live those lives I described above because I have done some, some, suffering with them as I watched our dear sweet Lucy die at five years old and I lived that with her brothers and sisters and mom and dad.  I also experience those lives through our support group.  But our experience is so different.  Not in any way worse, or better.  Just different. 
We get to live a pretty normal life for a couple of weeks. Just as I am starting to relax, just as we are all starting to relax it happens.  I think about putting the vomit bins in the closet, I think about it. And then, like a punch in the gut, it all starts again.  Every time it comes on differently and every time, even though I am waiting for it, even though I am ever vigilant, it surprises me because a very small space inside of my soul that I do not allow to grow very big at all, but has its own light source, gathered a bit of hope, hope that this nightmare was over gets extinguished.  At that point we are all plunged into darkness and fear.  I am in my heavy dive suit sinking to the bottom of the ocean waiting to see where I will hit bottom. 
This time I am scared.  We have never seen this.  The more calm Dr. R is in an appointment, the more nervous I am.  It usually means he is trying to keep me calm.  I know your tricks Dr. R and I love you for them.  Labs look ok as far as I can tell.  I am going to take a class in how to read blood work.  I know the basics but I want to know more.  I am so tired of having to rely on other people to tell me how my baby is doing and interpret that for me.  So when I get the money together (LOL) that is happening!  That is part of my 15 year plan to go back to med school. You think I am kidding? 
So here I am talking about how I cannot keep my life straight and then how I am going to go back to med school.... Amelia Bedelia.  I know Amelia Bedelia was really all about taking things too literally but in a way that is what I do.  I want this to be black and white.  I want answers.  I want to know what is happening.  It reminds of the time I told Dr. R how Lil's temp was going up and down all day and I gave him a list of temps, there were about 15 temps on the list.  I also said she was really miserable.  He calmly asked if they were rectal or temporal.  This was about a year and a half ago.  I told him they were rectal.  He then, again calmly, told me he would be pretty miserable as well if I were sticking something up his butt 15 times a day.  I had to laugh. 
So when Lil does not feel good my brain gets high jacked.  It just simply does not work very well.  I have come to think of it as a survival technique.  Like all of the blood rushes to the part of my brain that protects and thinks about survival.  Right now I hear her sitting in the living room grunting in pain and I totally lost my train of thought.  My work suffers, my relationships suffer, my family suffers.  Everyone tells me not to worry about this, that this is what I have to do.  That was ok for year one, maybe year two but this is year three.  We are coming up on our third anniversary of Lil's very first pustule.  Happy Anniversary.  As an anniversary gift she has three papules on her vagina. 

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