Check out this video if you have not seen it yet:
Unfortunately all of this rests on the shoulders of one little girl who fights every day to do things that most kids get to do without thinking. She has to fight to color, it hurts to run and play. We know now that she gets stabbing pains in her old wounds even though they have been closed for quite some time. The fight her and I are going into now is the fight for her to learn. What is going to happen with school? She asks about school all the time. A friend gave us a play school, her Nonni cleaned it up and put it together for her and Lil has not stopped playing with it.
That is until the last couple of days, and especially today. This flare is getting worse and I am getting more anxious about it. Her fevers today were spiking up to 104.5 and going down to 101. She told me her belly hurt, her shoulders hurt, her big boo boo hurt and her head was really hurting. We got bloodwork last week. It did not look horrible but it did not look great either. Sed Rate was 6, CRP was 0.5 and other numbers were off but Dr. R only gets worked up when things are really off so we are good for now.
Angry, red pustules are popping up. Not the little ones but big ones. My dad is going to give me the what for because I did not take pics, it would have been unfair to put her through that today. I will get them tomorrow if they are still there. She pointed them out to me. She also did not eat today. The good news is that she drank. As you all know, that is what keeps us out of the hospital: hydration and those pustules staying closed.
It has been 4 months since our last really big flare. That was when the Pyoderma lesions showed up in her mouth. This time I am hoping there will not be any surprises. Tonight she fell asleep on the couch at 5:30pm. I took her upstairs and put her to bed. This could be an interesting night. Say a prayer for my girl tonight... she needs to remember 'anything can happen, child, ANYTHING can be.'
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