Saturday, January 10, 2015

10 Lipsticks

We saw Dr. R yesterday to discuss Lil's little trip to the "hotel" as she likes to call the brand new AI DuPont hospital.  With so little information available about Pyoderma Gangrenosum in the mouth (even the NIH has to gather their own data there is so little) Dr. R and I could only look once again at Lil's mouth sores and discuss their history.  He agreed with me that not taking her medicine, particularly the folic acid, is probably not helping that situation.  Remember that PG attacks places on the body where there has been trauma.  One of Lil's medicines (methotrexate) causes her lips to ulcerate and we give her this medication as an injection but the medication we give her to prevent the ulcerations is oral and she is refusing to take that one.  Between that and the upper respiratory infection we believe her disease just went into overdrive. 

This theory does not explain that one pustule because it has been there for at least a month and is still going strong.  It really has not changed overall.  At times it gets smaller or bigger, it will get red around the edges and once it got two smaller pustules on the sides but they went away.  She did tell me it hurt when she was eating yesterday.  However she very rarely tells me anything hurts because she does not want to take medicine. 

Like I said, I am in contact with the NIH about this and I am waiting to hear from the 'angel doc' about PG in the mouth.  They have been following Lil's recent illness.  They have requested labs and I have been emailing them updates.  I am assuming we will be going back there in April and have started talking to them about arranging this trip now so that we are not doing it at the last minute like last time.  A little bit of planning goes a long way! 

The big issue right now is that Lil has lost two pounds in the last month.  This weight loss started before the big issues we have seen recently so Dr. R and I are concerned.  If you follow our story you know that Dr. R considers weight gain and loss a major factor in how Lil is thriving.  Two pounds in one month when you only weigh 28 pounds to start with is a problem.  We believe this is due to a combination of her not taking her medication (reflux) and her recent illness.  Our first intervention is going to be to see a behavioral therapist.  We will start there and then see what happens.  With Lil it is one step at a time. 

It is just really hard for me to put clothes on her and see them fall off again.  It brings me back to this summer.  When we looked at her growth plates we could see how it affected her.  As I was snuggling with her last night and she was holding my hand, it got me thinking about her future.  When I tell people about her disease for the first time they always ask me about her prognosis and I have to tell them we just simply have no idea.  I choose not to think about the idea that she may never grow old and have a family of her own or be a teenager.  But last night it settled in my brain a bit.  That is all I want to say about that right now. 

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