Tuesday, February 5, 2013

LillyAnna On The High Wire

Lil is doing an intricate balancing act right now.  She is drinking enough fluid to keep her hydrated... barely.  She is eating what equates to one slice of American cheese or one half of string cheese a day.  Although she did celebrate Superbowl Sunday with half a Hershey Kiss!  Dr. R told me to start giving her a medication called Periactin which is actually an antihistamine but it makes her hungry and helps her sleep.  Sounds great huh?  What mother does not want an excuse to help her baby go to sleep easier!  Don't judge me! They actually have to put a stipulation on the bottle of Children's Benadryl which tells parents not to use it to get a child to sleep.  This is one clue that I am not the only mother in the world who has been tempted to drug her children to sleep (I have never given in to that temptation just for the record).  Anyway, Lil has been on this medication for months and I recently stopped giving it to her in hopes that she might sleep through the night.  How can I not feed her in the middle of the night if I am giving her a medication that makes her hungry?  Cruel and unusual punishment.  I am going to wait until she sees the GI docs on Wednesday before starting that medication.  Stubbornness?  Possibly but we also just started giving her Reglan which may help with her stomach emptying and I wanted to give that a chance to work before adding another med.  Also, I like to sleep at least six hours in a row.  It feels good and it has happen two nights in a row- unprecedented!

Despite being almost two weeks late on having her Humira injection (it is a long story-refer to Facebook for details), her Pyoderma Gangrenosum is actually very quiet.  What does this mean?  No idea.  She will not eat.  What does this mean?  We have no idea.  There are just so many unknowns.  And so LillyAnna continues to walk that tightrope and I continue to obsess over her every mood and every centimeter of skin.  Luckily I have my husband and Dr. R to keep me grounded.  I am in denial that he will be in Haiti for two weeks.  I am just living on my 'happy little coud' that Lil will be perfectly fine the whole time he is away; hey. it could happen.

For now, LillyAnna has been much happier the last three days which is good because that bottle of Benadryl was posing a strong argument which got indcreasingly stronger over the last two weeks when she would not sleep for more than two or three hours at a time and when she was awake she was crying.  I worry so much less when she is acting like her usual sunny self. 


  1. Thank God you have the love and support of so many family and friends. We're all pulling for Lilly - - - and for your peace of mind, Gina. We all feel it, but it must be murder on you.
    Call any time you need a break.

  2. Just wanted to let you know I'm reading thinking of you all. So glad to hear that you've gotten a few nights of consecutive sleep...it can make such a difference. Please continue to post your blog updates on Facebook! Fingers crossed for

  3. More rest and a continuation of Lil's sunny spirits.
