Saturday, February 16, 2013

Tell Me Again About The Night I Was Born

My husband Chris is adopted. When I met him (in his very straightforward way) he told me that he was not interested in finding his birth mother. He was not angry or anything like that, but his parents were the people that raised him. When we had the twins, he started talking about finding out about his medical history. As I have watched him grow as a father, I have also seen his interest in his birth parents evolve. LillyAnna's illness forced his hand a bit. Although we have been communicating with his birth mother, Susan, tonight we met the rest of the family. It was simply amazing to watch this group of people interact with each other. They are a very close family. It felt like although they had never met Chris, somehow he had been missed all of these years and we were just catching up.

Of course Lil was the star of the show as usual and there were balloons so she was happy! She woke up with another 101.6 degree fever that again went away on its own. Chris and I keep finding small papules on her skin. None of them have become pustules yet so that is very good but it is scary to see them pop up. Since the summer, I have not seen this many. Her two arm lesions and the big one on her thigh each have one pustule that is broken open but again, they are very small. For some reason, only one part of her bloodwork came back so I will have to call the hospital Monday and see what they want me to do. With all of this activity I am vey interested in seeing her levels but I am also loathe to poke her again particularly because of the activity. She did vomit again tonight when we got home. It is just sad how nonchalant she is about it.  I don't think I saw her eat anything today save for a spoonful of cottage cheese.  However, she is drinking ok and does not even seem to notice the cow's milk added to her bottle.  Dr. R, where are you when we need you?  Oh yes... Haiti.  They probably need you more:)

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