Thursday, February 21, 2013

Meet Me At The Moon

Today we had a Modified Barium Swallow Study done.  It was a very simple test where Lil had to sit in what looked like a car seat and drink a bottle.  An x-ray machine showed us what was going on inside while we watched.  Because she had not had a bottle for a few hours, she drank happily and made faces at the docs and techs surrounding her.  It only took about two minutes.  Then they tried to get her to eat a cookie which, not surprisingly, she would not do.  Part of the study consisted of us meeting with a technician who walked us through the x-ray and then observed Lil eating while we talked. I hate to say it but I was glad Lil did what she does at home and only put the food into her mouth, maybe chewed on it, maybe not and then took it out again.   I appreciated the tech's honesty when she told me that she really did not have any strategies for us.  (Here is my pat on the back) She actually said I am doing everything right.  Haha! The swallow study came back fine; there are no issues with her swallowing so she is suggesting feeding therapy.  We will meet with a feeding therapist once a week.  The therapist will check in with us and keep track of Lil's eating and maybe give us some strategies to help her eat more efficiently.  I do not think this will solve our problem because I know Lil can eat just fine.  For some reason, she does not want to.  However, this is part of the reason I am not working.  I would much rather give this a chance than have to do something more invasive.  Dr. R had mentioned using a daily g-tube to feed her as a last resort if she does not start eating on her own and she gets into trouble.  I really do not want to do that.  What I really do want to do is find out why she is not eating.   In the meantime, she is still drinking enough to stay hydrated.  Her bottles are now half cow's milk and half formula.  At this point she takes a break from her daily vomiting routine every once in awhile so that is good but it still happens almost every day.  At this point, her lesions still look good and what I have gotten back from this week's blood work is good also.  Her sed rate is down from 9 to 7.  I am still waiting for the rest. 

As I rocked LillyAnna to sleep tonight, I enjoyed just holding her.  I will not be rocking her to sleep for the next three days and it makes me sad. William Ellery Channing (to be honest, I have no idea who that is) said "Difficulties are meant to rouse, not discourage.  The human spirit is to grow strong by conflict."  Lil and I have been through so much together.  One of the reasons I started writing this blog was to put into words what the last eight months has been like for us.  I thank you all for listening because writing has been cathartic for me.  Tonight I am just too tired to talk about much but some of the things I have had to do to that baby are horrible.  It is amazing that she does not associate me only with pain and suffering, for that I am lucky.  It is the exact opposite actually.  We are very connected and it is going to be hard to be away from her.  She is so full of life and personality.  Everywhere we go, she leaves a wake of smiles behind her.   On the other hand, Chris and I are very excited for the weekend.  This will be the first time we take a trip like this with the twins.  They have never stayed in a hotel or gone skiing.  And although they handle it well, taking care of Lil is hard on all of us so being able to spend time with just them will be good.  I know LillyAnna will be fine.  She will definitely get lots of attention!  But I am going to miss her.

1 comment:

  1. My dear Gina, As I told you the other day, there are not many people who can do what you do. You and Chris deserve this trip. The twins do too. Have a good time, and enjoy the thrill of seeing them on skiis for the first time. Pop Pop and I were thrilled when Chris flew by us for the first time.

    As for spoiling Lil. You can't spoil a child with too much love. You can only spoil a child with love that is selfish or possessive. And that, my dear, you are NOT.
