Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Where The Wild Things Are

LillyAnna has been acting like herself for about three days now.  My "oldest " friend (that is to say the person who has stuck by me the longest) gave me great advice when I became a mom.  She told me you have to trust yourself and be an advocate for your kids because you are the only one who will.  The past three weeks have been terrible for us.  LillyAnna was just a mess.  Medically we could not really see why.  Her bloodwork showed that her inflammatory makers were fairly low, the lesions were calm, she managed to keep herself hydrated despite drinking so little and she was not febrile.  But she was a mess. The tug of war that went on in my brain for three weeks rivals any elementary school field day activity.  Is she really sick, I think something is wrong but so much seems right, but she is crying all of the time, but she is an 18 month old cutting teeth, but babies do not need oxycodone when they cut teeth, but she is throwing up every night, but that could be the methotrexate, but it started before the methotrexate... and on and on and on. The only evidence I had to support my feeling was that she was losing weight and that those who know her best agreed with me that she was not herself.  Living with Lil the last few days is reaffirming.  I was right.  Something was wrong because she is back to her old self.  I don't know what was going on and that is scary.  As amazing as medicine is today and considering how much I love and respect Dr. R- they do not know everything (which he will openly admit).  I need to have more faith in myself next time. 

Back to eating macaroni and cheese!

However, it is when LillyAnna is having one of her 'normal' periods, that my anxiety roars its terrible roar and gnashes its terrible teeth.  It seems as if this is how it is with little Chris too.  As soon as she comes out of one of her down periods,  we both get tired and down and cranky.  Maybe it is because the crisis is averted and I can think as opposed to focusing all of my energy on putting one foot in front of the other.  Maybe it is because I am just tired.  What I know is that I do not know what is coming next or when.  Something is wrong with my baby.  I can't make it better.  It is not the worst thing that can be wrong with a child and I am reminded of that on a daily basis but it has its own horrors. 

I am scared of the dark and always have been.  I make sure I go up the steps before Chris so that I can avoid the dark but if it happens that he is in front of me, I run like hell up those steps.  When I am in the dark, I cannot see what is in front of me and so everything is a threat.  I am scared of what is sneaking up behind me and its weapon of choice, what is by my feet, what is circling my head.  I feel like danger is closing in on me a mile a minute and I have nothing with which to protect myself, not even the knowledge of what that danger is.  It is one of the reasons I cannot watch horror movies; even the really lame ones.  When Lil starts to feel better it is like being at the top of the steps after running from the dark.  The demons are in my mind's eye; my heart is racing, my hands are shaking and the impluse to keep running is almost inescapable. 

In the car tonight, it was just little Chris and I.  We talked about heart feelings and body feelings.  After awhile he summarized our conversation by saying, "So when someone is sad, happy or frustrated, those are heart feelings."  I told him he was right and he went on "So when I am sad about Lil, that is a heart feeling."  Again, I told him he was correct.  I added that it is ok to have other heart feelings about Lil and he immediately came back with "Then it is ok that I am mad that Lil is sick?"  After giving myself a second I said, "All of your feelings are ok.  You just have to be careful about how you act on those feelings."  "I DO get mad about Lil being sick Mom, mad in my heart." was his response.

Lesions this week: 

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