Thursday, February 7, 2013

My Grandmother is Great

What is it about layering lasagna, slicing onions and stirring marinara that makes my soul feel peaceful? 
It could be the connection to food that makes all those who love to cook feel happy smelling delicious food cooking, knowing you will get to eat it, and savoring the reactions of people who enjoy it. 
It could be thoughts of my greatest friend, my grandmother. Being in her kitchen is one of the strongest memories I have as a child.  I can see her lithe hands peeling garlic and then giving me the knife and holding her hands over mine so that I could feel the skin and the flesh of the garlic to know where to cut.  I can see her very small Southwest Philadelphia backyard lined with tomato and basil plants.  She would take me outside and hold out a tomato for me to smell, crush basil between her fingers to release their scents and snip the flowers so they would continue to grow.  Those smells stay on your fingers all day (especially on a child:). 
There is a possibility that I feel at peace because all three of my children are sleeping while I am cooking.  That at least adds to it! 
My grandmother was great.  I often think about what she would say about my life now.  I know she would be supportive, I know she would be helpful.  But if I got one more chance to sit at her feet in her living room with a Phillies game playing quietly on TV and a pot of water simmering for tea, I wonder what she would tell me is in her heart.  I know it would be honest and beautiful and true.  I also know it would make me feel.  Feel angry, feel surprised, or feel happy.  Lately I don't feel much but tired and sad.  So I wish she were here.  I wish I were in her kitchen or living room or backyard.  And I wish I could hear her voice.  For now I have garlic and onions and tomatoes and basil.... and memories. 


  1. This is a beautiful reflection, Honey. You're wonderful. No one can do or say anything that will make this hurt go away. But know you are loved and deeply admired for your courage and strength.

  2. You are lucky to have those wonderful memories and just knowing you have this wonderful guardian angel watching down on all of you. Love you guys!

  3. Beautiful writing Gina. She guides you still, I'm sure of it.

  4. Beautiful writing Gina. She guides you still, I'm sure of it.
